Saturday, 30 November 2019


Other versions are not available. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Awais April 18th, Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Fixed issues when dumping blobs on an iPhone3,2 thanks to airship17 for helping me debug! Unfortunately there would not be any un-tethered jailbreak for IOS 6. More iPhone 4-Rev2 fixes Still needs more feedback. ishshit 6.1.2

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It was truly informative.

Help me July 11th, Now dumps iOS 4. Full Windows XP support.

Miscellaneous Ground rules Timeline. Plz accept my wishes.

iFaith - The iPhone Wiki

Yes you can without any worries…May be you can also save your shsh blobs for IOS 6. I really want to go back to ios 6. This site uses cookies. Anyone that knows the answer can you kindly respond?

Email required Address never made public. Recent entry Downgrade IOS 6. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Awais April 11th, Microsoft Windows XP or greater.

ishshit 6.1.2

Hi everybody, like most of you guys,i updated my iphone 3gs on the latest firmware 6. Many thanks for sharing!

Get your iphone jailbreaked or downgrade when no one give the solution to you

Unfortunately there would not be any un-tethered jailbreak for IOS 6. Please note that the blobs and the firmware must be the same i.

Pushpinder September 5th, I have iphone 4, 6. Please let me know further. Made the limera1n icon higher-res.

ishshit 6.1.2

What is interesting is how iFaith uses xpwn xpwntool and hfsplus while being able to be closed source. Now when the phone is turned on, it shows connect to itunes with no service ishhit and also it gets detected in itunes with no information.

And for your problem on IOS 6.

downgrade IOS to without shsh blobs | iosjd

You are commenting using your WordPress. Added Apple TV 4. You are commenting using your Google account.

ishshit 6.1.2

Before following the steps, If you have messed up your device on IOS 6. Awais May 12th, Ipoonf3 May 12th, Whenever I try redsnow 9. DFU loops were being caused on devices that had the isnshit certificate.

A new method has been implemented to get around this requirement.

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